Don’t Despair Yet, Mr. Bartlett

Don’t Despair Yet, Mr. Bartlett! By Dennis Sanders New August 31, 2009 In a recent post, former Reagan aide Bruce Bartlett has correctly noted the sad position of the Republican party these days and gives a somewhat good reason for why he is “anti-Republican.” [...]

By |2010-03-29T11:49:00-05:00August 31st, 2009|All Posts, News|0 Comments

Time To Talk Taxes In New Jersey

Time To Talk Taxes In New Jersey By Bill Pascoe CQ Politics August 27, 2009 Chris Christie, the Republican nominee in this year's race for governor of New Jersey, apparently has determined not to make property taxes a central issue of the campaign against Democratic incumbent Jon Corzine and instead to focus on corruption. And this is proving to be a costly decision. [...]

By |2010-03-29T11:57:38-05:00August 27th, 2009|All Posts, News|0 Comments

When will Enough be Enough?

Press of Atlantic City August 26, 2009 It’s been more than a month since “corruption Thursday” – that day in July when 44 of New Jersey’s political leaders were led in to federal court in handcuffs. Since that time, I hope New Jerseyans have not forgotten the shame and embarrassment these supposed leaders brought to our state. They have perpetuated a stereotype of New Jersey I have spent my life fighting and they once again shattered what little trust the voters have in their elected officials. While political corruption is unfortunately an all-too-common occurrence in our state, I hope that these latest arrests – if only for their sheer magnitude – will motivate enough New Jerseyans to say, “enough is enough.” [...]

By |2010-03-25T13:50:54-05:00August 26th, 2009|All Posts, Opinion|0 Comments

When are voters going to decide enough is enough?

The Record August 4, 2009 I hope that I am not alone in feeling angry, frustrated and disgusted at the scene on July 23 as 44 handcuffed individuals — primarily public officials — in New Jersey were being ushered into court on corruption charges. After an entire school bus of assemblymen, mayors, council members and political operatives unloaded in front of the courthouse in Newark, the late night talk show hosts and Op-Ed Page writers across the state had their fill of material for the next few weeks. [...]

By |2010-03-25T13:54:12-05:00August 4th, 2009|All Posts, Opinion|0 Comments

California should revive nuclear energy option

Christine Todd Whitman The Sacramento Bee August 3, 2009 Given the fiscal challenges facing California, there will be great temptation to put on hold any major new projects. It's important to remember, however, that postponing spending commitments doesn't mean they disappear; rather, costs rise even higher later while the needs remain. [...]

By |2010-06-16T12:09:41-05:00August 3rd, 2009|Opinion|0 Comments

Christie Whitman’s Centrist Plea

Christie Whitman's Centrist Plea By Chris Cillizza The Washington Post August 3, 2009 Fifteen years ago, Christine Todd Whitman was widely touted as one of the bright young stars in the Republican party -- having defeated Jim Florio (D) in the 1993 New Jersey gubernatorial election. [...]

By |2010-03-29T12:00:05-05:00August 3rd, 2009|All Posts, News|0 Comments
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