Crafting the perfect response

By Erika Lovley
 January 21, 2011 President Bill Clinton would not stop talking. 

That’s all Christine Todd Whitman could think about as she anxiously awaited her big national moment — the official response to the State of the Union address. 

“He gave his regular speech and then kept going,” Whitman said. “I was sitting there saying, ‘Now what do I say; he’s said everything.’ I started to get quite nervous.”

The response speech is one of the more daunting spotlight moments for an up-and-coming politician. Delivered directly after the president’s live address to the full Congress, Cabinet and Supreme Court, and a national TV audience, the response has a reputation for being a second-class act that is awkwardly staged and poorly executed. 

In 2006, Gov. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) was criticized for not hitting Republicans hard enough. 

In 2008, Kathleen Sebelius, then the Democratic governor of Kansas, was lampooned as dreadfully boring. [...]

By |2011-10-06T04:16:18-05:00January 21st, 2011|All Posts, News|0 Comments

Kirk Heinze: Energy from the ‘Heavens’ must include nuclear

By Kirk Heinze January 12, 2011 I recently had the pleasure of interviewing two most accomplished women on Greening of the Great Lakes. Both are former governors. Both are exceedingly knowledgeable, articulate and passionate about the beliefs they hold dear. And, among those beliefs, they share a deep and abiding commitment to the development of renewable energy. [...]

By |2011-10-06T04:13:07-05:00January 12th, 2011|All Posts, News|0 Comments

Ex-Gov. Whitman lives on working farm

By Christine Todd Whitman Daily Record January 5, 2011 Dear Editor, New Jersey is known as the Garden State for good reason, thanks in large part to the land our farmers steward and preserve. While I fully understand the need to periodically update the definition of a working farm, it is important to note that many good peaches, apples, and other produce come from farms that don't cover hundreds of acres. In your recent editorial ("Fake farmers need not apply,") about farmland preservation and "fake" farmers, you included my name in a way that seemed more like a political statement than a factual criticism of our farm. [...]

By |2011-10-06T04:10:28-05:00January 5th, 2011|All Posts, Opinion|0 Comments

Op-Ed | Nuclear Energy: An Economic Lifeline for Local Communities

By Maudine R. Cooper January 5, 2011 The latest unemployment numbers reveal that African Americans seeking work still are among the hardest hit by the economic downturn. The 16 percent unemployment rate among African Americans hovers around a 25-year high, and remains six percentage points above the national average. [...]

By |2011-10-06T07:34:44-05:00January 5th, 2011|All Posts, News|0 Comments
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