Preserve Delaware Bay

By Christine Todd Whitman June 15, 2012 I recently celebrated the release of a new book about the people and wildlife of Delaware Bay: Life Along the Delaware Bay. The book very colorfully informs us about the incredible array of important wildlife and fish of this great bay, as well as about the bay's rich cultural resources, and the area's rich fishing and agricultural history. The book's primary focus, however, is the Delaware Bay's monumental importance as a shorebird migratory stopover, one of the most crucial in the world. [...]

By |2013-10-23T08:34:44-05:00June 15th, 2012|All Posts, Opinion|0 Comments

The Center Must Hold

By Christine Todd Whitman Democracy June 13, 2012 For the past year we have watched Republican presidential candidates fall over one another to prove who can best pander to the far-right base. Of course, this behavior is not unique to Republicans; increasingly in recent elections we’ve seen candidates from both parties move to the extremes to get their party’s nomination, then attempt to veer back toward the center in the general election. This pattern forces candidates to abandon popular, practical solutions in favor of unworkable positions backed by their more extreme bases. [...]

By |2012-08-07T05:36:22-05:00June 13th, 2012|All Posts, Opinion|1 Comment

Letter: Romney backer would like to see Christie Whitman for VP

By Maggie Carpenter, Stuart TCPalm (FL) June 7, 2012 As noted by Peggy Fisher's May 17 letter, I too have been a Mitt Romney backer from the get-go and am happy to see that he is really gathering steam as we head into the convention season. However, as an alternative choice for running mate I would submit Christie Whitman, former governor of New Jersey and administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under George W. Bush. [...]

By |2012-08-07T05:38:28-05:00June 7th, 2012|All Posts, News|0 Comments
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