I hope you will find my website a helpful place to read about the issues I care about: protecting the environment, recentering our politics from the extremes, and preserving our nation and its standing in the world. From this site you can read my opinion pieces from various publications throughout the world, and connect with the organizations with which I am involved. You can also get contact information for scheduling or media requests. I hope it will give you food for thought about what we as a nation need to be doing on these very important issues.
All the best,

“The only way to make change in a democracy is to vote – in every election. For too many years, dismal turnout in primaries has pushed both parties to polarized ends. Those sensible centrists who do not go to rallies but care deeply about our country have effectively silenced their own voices. Now, more than ever, we need an engaged electorate that doesn’t cede control over the political process to the extremes.”
– Christie Whitman