Consider Separation of Church and State when Addressing Gay Marriage

Star-Ledger November 29, 2009 What does government have to do with marriage? I was brought up to believe that we had a constitutional separation between church and state — intentionally designed by the founding fathers so they could not tell us what our churches, synagogues, and mosques could and could not do. If that is the case, why are legislators across the country, and most recently in New Jersey, agonizing over bills to define marriage? Wouldn't it be better if government's only role were to recognize the legal relationship between two consenting adults — something that occurs when you get your marriage license? Let's call that license something other than a "marriage" license and leave the government's role there. [...]

By |2010-03-25T13:11:05-05:00November 29th, 2009|All Posts, Opinion|0 Comments

We Shouldn’t be Attacking our Own

Politico November 11, 2009 RNC Chairman Michael Steele's promise that the GOP will “come after" incumbents who support President Barack Obama's policies is inexcusable. I like Steele personally — he was an original co-chairman of the Republican Leadership Council along with former Missouri Sen. Jack Danforth and me. He took on that role, he said, because he recognized that the party needed to be able to accommodate Republicans who might come out in different places on various issues. I wish he were still championing that message. [...]

By |2010-03-25T13:41:11-05:00November 11th, 2009|All Posts, Opinion|0 Comments

Climate Change Forecast

Roll Call November 4, 2009 Environmental activists surely assumed that, once in office, President Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress would take significant steps to address climate change in the near term.  Unfortunately, the effect of the tumultuous health care debate in Washington is likely to be that no climate change bill will reach the president’s desk anytime soon.  There is just too much acrimony over health care to see movement on this equally important issue, not to mention the difficulty posed by the soaring national debt, which leaves no funds to address the problem. [...]

By |2010-03-25T13:48:07-05:00November 4th, 2009|All Posts, Opinion|0 Comments
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